PMP IndividualCouplings
A suitable and correctly configured or designed coupling is the right piece of the puzzle for your application or machine, which should and must keep your operation running. Have you perhaps installed a coupling solution that only does this to a limited extent and therefore needs to be replaced more often than would normally be necessary? Or do you have a new design or installation situation for which a suitable coupling still has to be designed and calculated? Under the brand PMP Individual we will find the right solution for you. With the help of our trained engineers and our extensive network we will work out the right coupling for you. For example, we can help you to reconfigure your existing clutch and adjust individual components for optimum mileage, or we can select a complete new clutch system with your support. The coupling design is based on a torsional vibration calculation (TVC) or, if necessary, a torsional vibration analysis (TVA) after a first sighting/examination of your individual installation situation and conditions. These calculations can be carried out on the basis of your data, which you provide to us using our questionnaires suitable for your area of application and which we process accordingly. (All questionnaires for a coupling design can be found in the Downloads section). The final evaluation will be provided to you in combination with a coupling drawing for an inspection on your part. No matter if on your site, by phone/e-mail, or in our premises, we are pleased to support you in this matter and to develop a drive solution for you together with you.