PMP Germany GmbH is an authorized dealer in the field of couplings and offers you an extensive range of highly flexible, torsionally flexible, shaft and centrifugal couplings from renowned manufacturers.
Since our inception in 2017, we at PMP have been striving to create reliable value for our customers based on unrestricted customer value.
To keep our customers up and running anytime and anywhere, our service applies to any industrial application and commercial vehicle, to the marine industry including on-shore and off-shore equipment, as well as to the agricultural and power generation sectors.
In addition to the supply of couplings and suitable spare parts, PMP Service GmbH is able, among other things, to repair couplings as good as new, carry out alignment checks on complete drivelines, analyze cases of damage and provide expert on-site assessments and proposals for solutions to your coupling and drive situation.
In order to be able to support our customers 24/7/365 beyond a specific coupling and/or spare parts requirement, we process the topic of couplings and drive technology in general with interesting videos on our YouTube channel as well as with blog articles worth knowing, which are accessible to our customers and interested parties at any time.